
They defend Israel. Let’s support them for Israel’s Independence Day! Open your heart and help give a warm bed and a roof for every lone soldier

A home for every lone soldier

Yahad – United for Israel’s Soldiers is offering you the chance to partner in an exciting and important new enterprise: “Warm Home” for lone combat soldiers, giving them a home and a family waiting for them on their weekends off

At "Warm home" apartments, our combat soldiers enjoy fully furnished apartments with all the facilities they need to make daily life pleasant. Our staff accompanies the combat soldiers with care, and makes sure all their needs are taken care of, from attending IDF ceremonies to hosting them for Shabbat dinners. It’s all geared to providing our combat soldiers with a sense of home and family.

Your vital contribution

help us continue providing our soldiers with a warm,
safe and loving place to live.
A place where they can relax and enjoy themselves
in the comforts of their own home.

סמלת-נ חדש

Sergeant N
commander at the Nativ course

“I didn’t want to go home for the weekends during my cadet training. Instead I spent my weekends at my friend's house, fortunately my service conditions commander registered me for the Warm Home project.”

טוראי-ד חדש

Cadet D’ told us

“Sometimes I preferred to stay on base for the weekend because I didn’t have a home to go back to. Now I eagerly await coming here to my apartment in Rishon LeZion for the weekend.”


Anat confessed:

“When I saw friends waiting at the pickup station for a ride home… I'd remember sadly that my home is thousands of miles away in the USA. I was thrilled when I was included in the Warm Home project, where I found a warm family.”


?Who are our lone soldiers

For a variety of reasons, young adults serving in the IDF can
be listed as lone soldiers. Each has her or his own unique
and fascinating story which brought them to us.


A young man who grew up in an ultra-Orthodox family
found that upon enlisting, his family rejected him, leaving
him without a home.


Soldiers who are orphans, raised without parents.


Soldiers who were removed from their homes as children
and were raised in foster homes and boarding schools.


A young woman who decided to leave her comfortable
home life, family and friends in California so she could
come to Israel to serve and contribute to the country.

?What do they all share

None of them have a home or supportive family to go to.
Yet, despite the difficulties, they’ve decided to enlist and
serve as combat soldiers in the IDF.
These combat soldiers are Israel’s future.

Our vision

A Warm Home apartment
for every lone combat
soldier, with a private
room that comes as close
as possible to having a
real home.

A place where our
tired combat soldiers
can come, rest up, and
recharge before the
next tough week they’ll
face. A room of their
own where each one can
listen to the music they
like, relax, have a friend
over, or just enjoy being
in their own space.

Our combat soldiers,
who protect us,
deserve a quiet spot,
a private place where
they don’t have to
worry about their own
basic survival. That’s
the least we can do
for them, filling them
with hope for a better


?Who are we

Yahad – United for Israel’s Soldiers, the LIBI Foundation, the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers – is the sole portal for transferring donations to IDF soldiers and units.

In 2015, more than 70 years after the establishment of the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers and 35 years after the LIBI Foundation was established, the two NPOs united into one strong organization with a designated purpose and operating on the basis of 100% for IDF soldiers.

Donation recruitment activities are funded by the Ministry of Defense. This ensures that 100% of every donation reaches the soldiers, based on objectives set in advance by the IDF.


Please remember that

All donations are executed with full transparency vis-à-vis the IDF and the general public.

100% of all donations reach the soldiers.

The LIBI Foundation The Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers (Registered Association) is the only association in Israel authorized by the Ministry of Defense to transfer donations to IDF soldiers.


IDF soldiers are Israel’s future
Let’s give them hope for their future
and say Thank You

Want to keep in touch and get updates about
our upcoming activities for soldier, Subscribe here

The photos shown are for illustration only. Photo credit: IDF Spokesman, newspaper in the “bamahane”,
Yahad – United for Israel’s Soldiers,  LIBI Fund and AWIS  (Association for the Welfare of Israeli Soldiers),E&OE.